首页 学者 度 & 项目 会计、B.S.


Measure, communicate and interpret financial data in Immaculata’s B.S. 在会计课程中.

你是 passionate about numbers, precision, and the world of 金融? 你准备好了吗 embark on a rewarding career that offers stability and countless opportunities? 不要再看了! Our 理学学士 in Accounting is your key to unlocking the doors to a prosperous and fulfilling future.

Meet the job market’s high demand with a bachelor’s degree in 会计. 打下坚实的基础:

  • 会计原则和程序
  • 税务筹划与合规
  • 权益和成本会计方法
  • 财务报表分析和审计
  • 业务 computer applications, such as Microsoft Excel
  • 宏观和微观经济学

Developing a strong foundation in the liberal arts, our graduates will be leading the charge for new 会计 regulations, solving global issues and using technology to benefit the industry. 此外,我们的毕业生准备 继续深造研究生课程,比如Immaculata的 在线MBA. By carefully planning your courses with your advisor, you can complete the optional 150-credit track, 符合 the number of credits required to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).


计划: 理学学士
观众: 本科成人学习者
格式: 面对面的类
下次开始日期: 2024年8月26日
成本: 每学分465美元
完成时间 Two to four years, depending on credits transferred

“Immaculata大学 is helping me to achieve my goals. My advisor takes a personal interest in me and has helped me to map out an individualized plan.”

Senior Account Executive at Prime Innovations, Inc.


Gain hands-on experience by completing an internship that connects your course material with the business world. Our students have recently completed internships at Ernst and Young, XL保险, and the Chester County Chamber of Commerce and 业务.

除了, 你可以参加商务俱乐部, which tours companies to learn about business operations. You can also gain real-world knowledge from successful business professionals who serve as guest presenters.



有会计学位, you can explore careers at major corporations, government agencies and not-for-profit organizations, 举几个例子. Graduates in this sought-after profession are equipped for vital roles in:

  • 审计
  • 公司税会计
  • 财务管理
  • 投资会计
  • 税务会计,规划和合规
  • 税务审查及征收
  • Accounts receivable and payables management
  • 和更多的

Several Immaculata alumni have obtained jobs at all the “big four” 会计 and auditing firms, the largest professional services networks in the world.

根据美国.S. Department of Labor, median salaries for careers in 会计 include:

除了, an 会计 degree prepares you for a 工商管理硕士 or for further training as a certified public accountant (CPA).


Upon successful completion of the 会计 degree 程序, students will:

  • 证明知识, 技能, and capabilities essential to 会计 and preparing and analyzing financial statements
  • Understand the balance between theory and practice as it applies to the various sectors of the world of business, 会计, 金融, 税收, 市场营销与经济学
  • Exercise effective interpersonal, communication and analytical 技能
  • Use technology strategically to enhance their productivity and effectiveness on both individual and organizational levels
  • Evidence professionalism, integrity and ethics

作为一名会计专业的毕业生, you can explore careers at major corporations, government agencies and not-for-profit organizations, 举几个例子. 我们的校友在很多公司工作过, including all the “Big Four” 会计 and auditing firms: Deloitte, EY, 普华永道和毕马威.

除了, an 会计 degree prepares you for graduate work in a number of fields or for further training as a certified public accountant (CPA), 注册管理会计师(CMA), 注册财务规划师(CFP), 特许财务顾问(ChFC), 或特许金融分析师(CFA).

  • Learn from faculty with extensive business and 会计 experience.
  • Add a minor in 金融 or economics to add depth to your knowledge and career potential.
  • Transfer up to 72 credits into this 程序 or earn credit for workplace training through Immaculata’s 先前学习学分 程序.
  • Take pride in earning a respected credential that is accredited by the 认证 Council for 业务 Schools and 项目 (ACBSP). This accreditation certifies that Immaculata’s business and 会计 程序s meet the rigorous educational standards established by ACBSP.

You can maximize your previous coursework by transferring up to 72 credits into the 程序. 了解更多下载赌钱app手机版…的机会 先前学习学分.



主要课程 - 69学分

  • 会计原则一
  • 会计原则二
  • 中级会计一级
  • 中级会计II
  • 联邦所得税
  • 先进的税收
  • 成本会计一
  • 会计实习
  • 高级会计I
  • 审计
  • 商业电脑应用
  • 商业法I
  • 战略规划
  • 商业道德
  • 业务 & 技术写作或商业 & 专业的演讲
  • 宏观经济学原理
  • 微观经济学原理
  • 统计数据
  • 金融概论
  • 市场营销原则与实践
  • 定量分析
  • 商业数学
  • 部门选择性

LIBERAL ARTS CORE – 36 credits, 6 fulfilled by major

  • 作文(写作)6学分
  • 自然 & 物理世界(实验科学)3学分
  • Quantitative Reasoning (Mathematics) 3 credits, satisfied by major
  • Human Creativity (Art, Literature, Music) 3 credits
  • Social Consciousness (Sociology, Psychology, Economics) 3 credits, satisfied by major
  • Historical Consciousness (History) 3 credits
  • Global Society (Foreign Language/Culture) 3 credits
  • Pursuit of Faith (Religion, Theology) 6 credits
  • 追求智慧(哲学)6学分

选修课- 27学分



You can apply to Immaculata’s adult professional 程序s 四个简单的步骤. If you have questions, please contact us via admiss@onegearnoidea.com 或致电 484-323-3060.


The 理学学士 in 会计 offered by Immaculata大学 is accredited by the 认证 Council for 业务 Schools and 项目 (ACBSP). The ACBSP accreditation certifies that the teaching and learning processes within the business 程序s meet the rigorous educational standards established by ACBSP. Immaculata大学 is committed to providing the highest quality business education for our students, 这个认证证明了这一点.



Josh Gribben applied concepts from Immaculata’s business 程序s to his job and, 在演示了其他技能之后, 被提升为销售运营经理.



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